速報APP / 通訊 / Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud Talk





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Nextcloud GmbH Hauptmannsreute 44A 70192 Stuttgart Germany

Nextcloud Talk(圖1)-速報App

Use Nextcloud Talk to have one-on-one or group audio or video calls, create or join web conferences and send chat messages. All communication is fully encrypted and mediated by your own server, providing the highest degree of privacy possible.

Nextcloud Talk is easy to use and will always be completely free!

Nextcloud Talk supports:

Nextcloud Talk(圖2)-速報App

* HD (H.264) audio/video calls

* Group and one-on-one calls

* Webinars & public web meetings

Nextcloud Talk(圖3)-速報App

* Individual and group chat

* Easy screen sharing

* Mobile apps for Android and iOS

Nextcloud Talk(圖4)-速報App

* Mobile call & chat push notifications

* Integration in Nextcloud Files and Nextcloud Groupware

* Fully on-premise, 100% open source

Nextcloud Talk(圖5)-速報App

* End-to-end Encrypted calls

* Scaling to millions of users

* SIP gate: dial in by phone

Nextcloud Talk(圖6)-速報App

The Nextcloud Talk app requires a Nextcloud Talk server to function. Nextcloud is a private, self-hosted file sync and communication platform, designed to put you back in control over your data. It runs on a server of your choice, be it at home, at a service provider or in your enterprise, and gives you access to your documents, calendars, contacts, email and other data. You can share with others even across different Nextcloud servers and work together on documents. Nextcloud is fully open source, giving you the option to extend them for your own use, participate in their development or simply verify they do what we promise.

Millions of users use Nextcloud daily at businesses and homes around the world. Business users rely on the professional support of Nextcloud GmbH, making sure they have a fully supported, enterprise-ready platform for productivity and collaboration, fully under control of their IT department.

Learn more on https://nextcloud.com/talk

Nextcloud Talk(圖7)-速報App

Find Nextcloud on https://nextcloud.com